Why is Facebook Re-Targeting So Important For Your Search Engine Strategy

Why is Facebook Re-Targeting So Important For Your Search Engine Strategy

In this day and age, Facebook has become a staple in the day-to-day life of most people. The service provides endless options that help people with communication, vital information delivery and an outlet for entertainment. However, you may have never considered that Facebook’s functions aren't purely recreational and that you can capitalise on the social-networks incredible capabilities and reach to enhance your business.

SEO marketing strategies often work in cohesion with other web-based marketing techniques. This could be Google AdWords, or in some cases, social media marketing. Facebook offers a range of marketing tools that can benefit every kind of business, and retargeting audiences through Facebook is a great method that works in cohesion with an SEO strategy. When it comes to sites focusing on e-commerce, there is a specific method regarding Facebook retargeting that can be used to build a relationship with a customer and add another layer to your digital marketing strategy.

Facebook retargeting involves engaging with customers who came to an e-commerce website but did not make a purchase. For whatever reason, if a person is interrupted during the process of making an online sale, or closes their browser before completing the process, there is a Facebook method that can utilise this data and continue to pitch a sale to the individual through their Facebook feed. Often the reason for people not finalising a purchase isn’t due to finance or second thoughts, but due to interruptions, competitors and other circumstances.

The Facebook pixel, which is implemented through Facebook’s custom audiences function, is a small piece of Facebook’s code which is placed in the existing code of the webpage. The pixel then retains this information regarding the identity of the people visiting the page and uses it to position advertising relating to your business in the Facebook feeds of those users.

An example of this would be if someone were on a site to buy shoes. On the site, they pick the product they desire, proceed to the online checkout, but never complete the sale because they are interrupted or have a second thought. Next time they log onto Facebook (perhaps an hour later or a day later), there will be an advertisement from the shoe company somewhere in their regular feed. The advertisement may redirect them back to the exact page they left on or back to the homepage depending on the layers of targeting the company wishes to implement. Subconsciously, you have probably seen this kind of advertising before in your social media feeds. Chances are if you have been on sites like Amazon or eBay looking at a product, that product would have appeared in your Facebook feed later that day, based on this method of digital marketing.

Often this level of targeting results in further sales, and it important to capitalise on the quality of leads coming to a site based on your SEO strategy. As SEO-based plan can lead potential clients to your site organically, Facebook retargeting can convert the visit into a sale by creating an advertising method based on customers who show primary interest in the product. Unfortunately, if users find their way to your site through SEO (are searching you're implemented keywords), and leave, they are then gone forever. Using Facebook this doesn't have to be the end of your relationship with a prospecting customer, and you can continue to offer them deals and advice at locations outside of your web page.

Facebook retargeting, in cohesion with SEO tactics, places an undisputed level of efficiency. Rather than targeting a new demographic of customers, using the pixel you are targeting users who have shown the initial interest based on SEO. The next step in the inquiry is to consider purchasing the product your business offers, meaning that the customer is as close as they can possibly be to a sale without actually making it. By targeting the individuals who fall into this category, you are advertising to the top percent of potential buyers in your industry. Facebook retargeting has an incredibly high conversion rate based on a number of viewers who return to the site to continue the transaction or review the products.

Now, this process doesn’t have to be exclusive to purchasing products online. The same tactic can be used to entice customers and internet users to subscribe to a newsletter if you offer a service. The potential publication emailed out to a mailing list may offer deals or information regarding your service - situating your business for potential future clients. If a consumer is casually previewing your site searching for information, the convergence of SEO and Facebook targeting can be utilised to suggest to them to subscribe to your newsletter for more information. Although this doesn’t directly result in a sale, the potential for future business is evident.

We know what you're thinking, doubling down on marketing techniques will be expensive, but never fear, the Facebook Retargeting is extremely cost-effective. As Facebook charges advertising at a cost per click (CPC) rate, you can expect to be paying a relatively small sum, particularly if you are targeting users who visited specific pages. This style of marketing shouldn’t be thought of as an additional cost, but a small extension of your already implemented SEO strategy.

It is so easy to do. So if you have already implemented an SEO strategy, or even a PPC option, go a little bit further and think about capitalising on this fantastic function Facebook offers. Convert your visits into sales ASAP!

SEO Marketer | SEO Adelaide

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